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19 אוק



It's hard to say I keep my decently sized (and still growing) lingerie collection a secret, seeing as I utilize a lot of my underwear as outerwear (and I don't exactly shut up about it, as evident here on the blog and on my IG) – which makes lounging in bed in the morning or late afternoon on the couch a bit more stylish than usual ;-)

The photos in this post (film and digital) were taken by Anna Semenova – a super talented fashion and boudoir photographer (and now also a dear friend). I wanted my boudoir session to be as natural as possible – without any extravagant or provocative poses, vacant stares (god, I hate those! Why is depth overrated nowadays?!) and over the top garments I'd never be caught dead wearing. The fact we chose to shoot at my dad's house, wearing items out of my lingerie collection and Anna's private collection, with excellent music playing in the background – helped keep the story that these pictures tell as true as possible (minus the perfect makeup, obviously).

boudoir on film 2

boudoir on film 3

boudoir on film1

boudoir on film 6

boudoir on film 7

anna boudoir 2

anna boudoir


 Photography: Anna Semenova | Makeup: Dana Kaplan | Lingerie: Private collection 

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